Apply now for our next retreat

Is there a book in you?
Do you yearn to hold in your hand the book you carry in your heart?
Spend five days and four nights with Stephanie Francom (Director of Rare Faith Book Writing Retreats and co-founder of Rooftop Publishing) and Leslie Householder (award-winning, best selling author of The Jackrabbit Factor), while you and a small group of dedicated authors get support, encouragement, instruction, and strategizing about your project. Let us help you with your mindset throughout the process for optimal results.
This unforgettable experience begins in just…
Specialized Training for Authors with an important message to share
Hi, my name is Leslie Householder, the award-winning, three time best-selling, international author of The Jackrabbit Factor, Portal to Genius, and Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters. If you want to write a book that will improve the lives of people all over the world, the right ideas flow more freely with expert guidance, training, and support. Plus, focus is critical and best maintained when you’re in an environment that supports the process.
What might otherwise take a year or two (or ten!) can often be accomplished in a short time, if the conditions are right. My dear friend and partner Stephanie Francom and I would like to share with you a powerful formula for maximum traction and momentum, especially for people who “DON’T HAVE TIME!

Meet your host, Stephanie Francom
Co-founder of Rooftop Publishing and Director of Rare Faith Book Writing Retreats
Hello friend!
I am excited to invite you to join us for this small-group retreat / training / workshop / coaching program where we will help a small group of aspiring author-leaders make massive progress on their books.
People need to read your book, even if it’s not ready yet, and you know it. That’s where I come in, to help YOU get your message out to those who need it most.
Having the right person as a sounding board is an indispensable piece of the process. Masterminding, brainstorming, and training can really get the juices flowing! When you join me for this retreat, you’ll have that critical sounding board as you create your book, because I am ready to help you make it amazing.
I look forward to working with you!
Rooftop Publishing is delighted to co-host this event in partnership with Rare Faith Publishing
to help you achieve your author goals.
Ask Yourself:
- Do you have a message that needs to get out?
- Has it been difficult to think, focus, and write?
- Are you uncertain how to get it from where it is to where you want it to be?
- Can you work independently for extended periods of time?
- Is your message empowering, relevant, and unique?
- Do you KNOW you need to write it, but have trouble getting it done?
- Do you want to spend a week with the co-founder of a publishing company who can help you know what to do next and keep you moving for massive progress all week long?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions,
you are a prime candidate for this opportunity.

What is your Goal?
What is your goal? Do you see your message impacting the lives of people worldwide? Does your message help people overcome a challenge? Is it bigger than you?
Then let us help you get out of the way of it.
Imagine getting “into the flow,” and participating in the exciting process of creating a book that will change lives. Imagine being with a small group of fellow author-leaders working together, making history, overcoming obstacles and experiencing massive progress all week long.
We’ll be hunkered down in our own places, but connected with a common purpose, focused on writing—a perfect community for inspired ideas (and a lot of fun!)

“One of the highlights for me was …you saying something complimentary about the book—what YOU got out of it—and I thought, ‘Wow, if it’s just in its rough-draft manuscript form, [and] you’re already …applying it in your marriage, then how powerful is it going to be when it’s finally cohesive and everything’s in its place?’ Big validation there: when you’ve been working on a project for a long time, and you’re not sure if the message is really strong anymore because you’ve heard it so much, to have an outside perspective come in and say, ‘Oh my gosh this totally rocks’. It re-magnetizes to me the message that, yeah, there’s validity in my message.” – Shannon Watt,

Let's make your book... amazing fascinating impactful a page-turner

“[I was] provided valuable ideas that helped me ultimately decide the direction I wanted to go. I’ve been working on my book for a very long time and our [time] together …[was] both fun and productive. I’m happy to say that my book will finally be released later this year!” – Carolyn Cooper, founder SimplyAlign
The Book Writing Retreat Agenda
Location and Date TBA
12:30 – Registration
1:00 – Introductions and Welcome
1:30 – Author Bios
2:15 – How to Make the Most of a Personal Writing Retreat
2:45 – Author Mindset
3:00 – Check in and Personal Mindset Work
5:30 – Dinner (included)
6:30 – Timed Writing for Success
7:30 – Mix and Mingle or Personal Time
Wednesday – Friday
Breakfast on your own
9:30 – Instruction (Storyboards, Powerful One-Liners, and the Ins and Outs of Editing)
10:00 – Write, write, and write some more!
1:00 – Lunch (Catered)
2:00 – Write, write, write
*One-on-one coaching session (for those who upgrade)
6:00 – Dinner (Catered)
7:00 – Evening Speakers (Rooftop Publishing, Leslie Householder, and special mystery guest)
Explore the beautiful amenities/environment.
Enjoy your lodging and meals and at no extra cost.
Breakfast on your own
10:00 – Write for a strong finish
11:30 – Send off for Success
12:00 – Event Ends

You Can Do This
Honor the spark you've been given. The message wants to get out! You wouldn't have it to share if there wasn't also a way for you to make it happen. Step by step you'll get there.

Think of the People
Have you ever thought about how many people are lost in this world, looking for what you know? Your job is to make it easier for them to find it. Once you've done your part, they will.

You're Going to Change Lives
If the message changed you, then your book will also impact individuals all over the world, one reader at time. In this day and age, there is no limit to who you can reach.

“I already had my book written, but it just didn’t feel right. The most important thing was what you said the first day. It did away with some of the doubts I had in terms of, ‘Who am I to write this book, and to talk to other people? What credibility do I have?’
“It gave me a purpose, and it sustained me through the [program]. You [helped me] look at it from the angle of, I’m not just telling a story, I’m changing lives.”
– Rose Pellar, author of A Gift in Every Challenge
(Rose, pictured two years later on the cover of
Canada’s Women with Vision Magazine)
It’s not just about getting your book done, it’s about making it amazing.
“I turned and said, ‘This is really good. I like reading my own book!’ Your comments inspired and … got me revved up again so I could forget the fatigue.” – Dino Watt, founder of The Business of Marriage and ProPreneur Network

“This … was amazing. …You stirred me to be creative! Thank you.
“I have a lot of information in my head, [so] I knew I needed to find some simplicity. I had my first appointment with you to sit down and talk about it, and you really helped me see quickly—I was amazed at how quickly—how to start it …And then, how to end it was beautiful. …You saw me, I was crying …and I hadn’t even written it yet. I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, this is perfect.’ You helped a lot in changing my life… Thank you Leslie for being smart.” – Kirk Duncan, Body Language Expert & President, 3KeyElements

How Much Does the Retreat Cost?
We’ve put a lot of time and work into creating a powerfully productive and memorable experience for you. To create the right kind of support for your maximum results, we keep our numbers low so you can get a lot of personal attention on your project.
Based on our 20+ years of experience with goal achievement training, book publishing, internet marketing, best-seller campaign management, mindset and business training, speaking, entrepreneurship, and personal coaching, hiring Leslie or Stephanie exclusively as a consultant for the same length of time would be an investment of over $10,000. The one-on-one book coaching opportunities Leslie has conducted in the past were $12,000.
This small group format offers a more affordable opportunity.
If this opportunity is right for you and your project, your investment is $5995.
Leslie and Stephanie have collectively spent more than $150,000 on personal coaching and business training over the years. They wish they could have had an opportunity like this to help them in their early days. None of the programs they invested in ever offered this kind of value and personal attention to their book creations.
You will need your own laptop or computer.

Don't Die with the Music Still in You
Too many people take their great ideas to their graves, and the world they leave behind never gets to receive the benefit of their unique and much-needed message.
You’ve been saying “one day I’ll write that book,” but what if “one day” never comes? What if your grandchildren never get to know the words that were in your heart, because they were buried with you when you died?
It has been said that the graveyard is the most valuable place on earth because it’s filled with people who took their massive potential with them to the grave.
Leslie’s co-author for Portal to Genius, Garrett B. Gunderson, wanted her to tell the author-leaders she worked with that his close friend Les McQuire HAD carved out time to finally get his book done, but he perished in a small airplane crash at Utah lake two weeks before that date, and his book was never written.
The world can never know what you have to say unless you put a priority on making it happen. It won’t happen by accident. It might not be easy, but it will be worth it.
Your only enemy is procrastination. If something inside of you is urging you to take action on this, right now, submit your application. Mark the dates on the calendar. If money is tight but you still feel compelled to apply, expect the way to appear. Use the principles you’ve learned from Jackrabbit Factor to find find the money. Goal first, way second.
Your book is a labor of love, and the people who need it most right now are being prepared through their life experiences to receive it. As you take those steps to bring it to them, they’re also finding their way to you.
Whether or not you participate with me, make the time to write your book
“The biggest thing I learned … [was although] I came with an idea and something written of what I wanted to do …I didn’t think I would have to tap into deep emotions like you brought out in me. And in digging down, finding that raw emotion and writing it down, I realized it was [not only] therapeutic for me, but that it’s going to make me more relatable to the reader as they’re reading it. So that was a huge turning point …for me when I realized I had to dig. I had to hurt again. Being in the energy of this group was amazing… every time we were together … I was benefitting from that as well. Thank you.” – Yvonne Kinghorn (1965-2015)

What makes this retreat different?
One of the biggest advantages of this singular experience is the mindset training you’ll receive throughout the experience, which is going to be key to completing a book with the “Amazingness Factor”, even if you don’t get picked up by a publisher.
The information you’ll receive will really level the playing field, so that you don’t have to outshine other books or compete for publishers’ attention. Imagine, writing because you love your subject and the people who will benefit from it, and imagine how nice it will feel to be finished!
Who we are looking for
We want to work with self-confident, easy-going leaders; self-starters with empowering, relevant and unique messages, who have an inspiring personal story, at least a little bit of experience speaking in front of a group, and who are READY and determined to make their book a reality!
Enjoy the inspiration, focused action, and production.
Your Investment
(upon application approval)-
Daily meals, informal networking
Five days and four nights of personal accommodations
Feedback, brainstorming, specialized training
25 hours of focused, supported, quiet time to work on your book
Optional one-on-one coaching about your book for an additional fee
A spotlight about your book in our newsletter upon completion of your project
Guidance from a real publisher to help you achieve your author goals
Special Presentation by award-winning bestselling author Leslie Householder
Inspirational and motivational presentation by a special mystery guest
Applications received after the deadline will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Travel to the event and back are not included.